Although it may not feel like it, your family finances are probably more precarious than you think. It’s all well and good when the breadwinners are healthy and working, but if something unfortunate were to happen, the outlook for those around you could change...
Do-It-Yourself Wills are very common. We say “very” because we are always genuinely surprised people are willing to take the risk of writing a complex legal document when they can get a specialist, to professionally prepare a Will for a reasonable fee. Wills are one...
If you have not made a Will you are leaving it to the State to determine how your assets should be distributed on your death. If you die without making a Will you will be deemed to have died “intestate”. The Intestacy Rules (which are set out in the Administration of...
When you make a Will, it gives you the opportunity of putting in order your affairs for after your death. We are all reluctant to contemplate our own death, but it is the one thing in life that is guaranteed! If you don’t leave a Will then the laws of intestacy step...